Conclusions and Recommendations for EcoRise
Growth Vision
Rise Club's success starts with EcoRise. A coordinator can build the resources students need to run their club well and reach out to teacher networks to help get schools involved.
A teacher network could post flyers and make announcements to encourage all students, not just those in EcoRise, to join since no background knowledge is necessary. The teacher would also be a point of guidance for student leaders as they built the club. From there, EcoRise will hand off most of the work to the new student leaders - it'll be their job to plan club activities and host meetings and find guest speakers, but EcoRise and the teachers can provide them with support and resources along the way.
One of the resources we created for students to get started is a shared hub, powered by the Notion Platform, called the Rise Club Student Hub. This hub contains resources to aid students by creating a club, running a club, Community Building & Advocacy, and many workshops and Daily Activities. A section gives mentors, teachers, or sponsors resources to guide young Risers as they go through their time in the Rise Club.

Starting with local areas, we hope to see a few clubs pop up in a school district. The main focus here is seeing the club being built, changed, adapted, and grown by the founding high school students. EcoRise will be responding to feedback, obstacles, and triumphs, and together, the clubs will start shaping and improving the organization.
Then we could see the club spread regionally across the state and begin seeing traditions emerge and see the club age and change with its members’ needs and wants.
Nationally, we hope to see a web of clubs across the country that connect, communicate, and grow together but still keep their individual charms and stay focused on their members.
As a national organization, we hope to see Rise build a firm name recognized the same way the National Honor Society or Key Club is. It can be something all students are familiar with as they join high school and are excited to be a part of, it can be a familiar name on college applications and job resumes that comes with its reputation and high regard,
But at the core, we hope the pillars of community, sustainability, and future building remain strong and are only amplified as Rise Club gets bigger and bigger.
Actionable Next Steps
EcoRise can conduct more interviews with their high school students and support teachers to gain more insight into the high school experience, structure, and impact. This research will inform the program specialists in building out and developing the existing Rise Club resources and tools.
After that, EcoRise should pick one high school to host a semester-long prototype with a team of real student leaders to get feedback and gauge interest, student/teacher capacity, and whether the resources and activities create meaningful experiences for those involved.

Acknowledgements & Thanks You
This project would not have been possible without the help of our incredible community.
Thank you to our professors Gray Garmon and Katie Krummeck for their never-ending support and guidance in navigating a challenging semester and an incredible capstone journey.
Thank you to our high school and college student participants for dedicating their time to answering our questions and helping us test out our concepts.
Thank you to EcoRise for providing us with a real, meaningful problem to tackle this semester. Special thanks to Brittany Jayroe, Alexia Leclercq, Sharon Huerta, and Gamal Sherif for taking additional time to meet with us and answer our many questions.
Thank you to the sustainability professionals for meeting with us and sharing their stories of joining the field of sustainability.